
OMG What Did You Say

The only religious context I recall when growing up was the story my mother told of arguing with her mother-in-law about the Christening of the grandchildren. Mom was of the Roman Catholic religion and apparently grandma's religion was not into that practice. My mother made a flat out statement to grandma, -- “my children will be Christened, they are not going to hell.” There was no organized religion in our house, however there were many admonishments from my mother to her husband for using cuss words in God's name.


While out driving and waiting at a stoplight, looking through the driver side window, a church cross on top of a tall steeple was illuminated by the afternoon sun. As it shimmered in the sunlight, this moment caught my gaze and interest. I wondered how a single visual could be the cornerstone of religious belief and practice for so many groups of people. I planned to explore this through photography. Visiting churches of various faiths, attended services, and with permission and I feel, respect, photo documented visuals of religious attention and became fascinated by the presence that fosters a sense of connection and spiritual engagement.


I am continuing to work on this project. Photographing religious visuals and exploring the presence. I will also, probably to the chagrin of my mother, use cuss words -- though not in God's name. I was Christened, so maybe hell will not be an option for me. SjB

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